Monday, August 23, 2010

Are the Democrats refusing to open up Domestic Drilling of Oil, to keep the prices high ?

Then Blame it on Bush. HaHa, it won't work. I read today where Saudi Arabia is flooding the Market with Sweet Delicious Crude to get prices even lower and get McCain Elected. The Saudi's know that an Obama Regime will ignore an attack on Saudia Arabia by Iran, I love it - this is right out of James Bond and I am behind McCain all the way baby. No Obama Teeny Boppers for ME - My GIG is to find a real McCain HOTTIE. Also the Saudis are using their Oil Resources to Counter as an Offensive to all of the Illegal Millions in Campaign contribution to Obama from George Soros. George Soros is the Prick that destroyed Argentina's Economy.Are the Democrats refusing to open up Domestic Drilling of Oil, to keep the prices high ?
Pelosi is holding out on off-shore drilling in hopes Obama wins the election, then do an about face and allow drilling and then give all credit to Obama when prices drop

. It won't work for a couple of reasons..

1, Obama won't win the election.

2, We already know Pelosi is trying to do this. I mean, she is too dumb to even be crafty.

I'm tired of these liberal political 'games'.

and by the way, I don't care how many people say otherwise, but more oil available means lower prices by the mere fact futures will be lower by the forthcoming glut of oil. It's a fact of life.

McCain 08.Are the Democrats refusing to open up Domestic Drilling of Oil, to keep the prices high ?
Yes, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, in particular. I saw an interview of her and Mr. Stephanapolis and she thinks that it will not be a ';quick fix'; to the lowering the prices, also it will ruin, planet earth, so she is not letting them vote for domestic drilling of oil. She is such a knucklehead! She is disliked by many in Congress and the House, and now even the American people are starting to see her as an unfair ';witch.';
Unfortunately yes, but there is a positive outcome. By making the American people realize what is going on by raising prices at the pump, it forces us to make changes. The democrats are taking this to a level that is unconstitutional and will be the dagger that takes their campaign down just like the Pelosi congress at work right now or actually the democratic congress that is taking leave for a month while regular Americans are struggling to make ends meet.
Uhm, no, they just believe that where the oil companies already have leases and are approved to drill, they should drill first. If you'd place the blame squarely on the oil companies where it belongs, then we might get more oil out of them. Unfortunately, more oil won't solve the problem, but ya'll don't believe it. Well, tell them to drill and when it doesn't help what will you say then?
Well if we drill here at home the democrats won't have anything to b**** about in that respect. Can't have the republican party look good can we? Of course not, silly!! MCCAIN, because when you look at the name closely it screams ICAN make it better! Look at Obama closely...Oh Bomb Uh. I rest my case.
Didn't you hear .... Pelosi is ';saving the planet'; !!!


BTW .... BLUE CHRISTY ..... Access to the Strategic Oil Reserve is determined by provisions written into the 1975 Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA) ... specifically to cover us in the case of a severe supply interruption!
Wow, you're dumb. I read the question with an intention to answer you're question intellectually, but as I read on I decided you weren't worth it. You're gig is to find a real McCain hottie? Wow, what has the world come to?
Yeah, isn't it funny how the supply has gone up, but the prices continue to soar. It is complete and udder bull. It doesn't have anything to do with supply, and its gets more pathetic everyday.
Yea, Bush and his buddies are the only one benefiting from high oil prices. Think about it. The administration inflates prices just to pressure congress to allow drilling, so big oil can make MORE money.
Yes, that's one of the reasons. They also tried to raise the gas tax 10 cents per gallon recently. They want to force Americans to use less oil to save Pelosi's planet.
No, because when the price was low we weren't drilling domestically. It's not going to bring the price down significantly. The oil companies don't pump much oil from the active wells we have here. Our labor is too expensive. The oil companies and all the politicians they own see this as a magical opportunity to get rid of all those pesky environmental regulations that keep the quality of life in America high, because those laws stand in the way of corporate profits. Everybody wants more oil production here, but watch what happens when they can see the oil wells, and smell the refineries. Perhaps the next law the oil companies will shove down our throat is a new migrant worker program to man those oil wells. Why give a fellow American a job when you can pay some 3rd world worker $0.50 an hour to do it? Antthing to make the price of gas go down a few cents.
Yeah, isn't it interesting that the last time they increased supply the price of oil continued to go up. This has nothing to do with supply.

And if you want to base it on supply, then economists have already stated we only have 1-2% of the world oil supply (we use 25% of the world supply). Even if we could get that NOW, it would only reduce the cost, at most, a dime/gallon. Our supply isn't significant enough to make a difference.

The problem is speculation and the devalued US Dollar. But, ah well. Drink up the koolaide. But if you really care, find ONE economist that will say otherwise, they don't exist. Even Bush and McCain said this was a ';psychological'; boost that wouldn't help the price of gas.
UMMM didnt Obama agree to drill on an open 68 million acre site today? Heat from tree huggers has the democratic party stopping to think what would be best. Sorry, but I'm sick and tired of what the republican party and our president has done to this country in the last 8 yrs. Its time for change and a new perspective. Obama in '08.
Perhaps they do not want to drill more oil, because it is contributing to global warming.
I believe that Bush is hording the national oil reserves to keep profits high. And we could go back and forth about which political Politician is the most crocked . Romney is right up there with them and so is the Senator from Alaska . This older white military widow is not a teeny bopper and I will vote for Obama .I know the saudis have been holding hands with Bush for along time now . I can see why they may be worried -it has served their purpose for the USA to have a Republican president . It has made the Saudis rich.and made many Americans poor.
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