Monday, August 23, 2010

Nancy Pelosi says that she will not allow a vote on off shore oil matter what! Do you agree ?

Do you believe that it her refusal is nothing more then election year politics? Will she allow it after the November elections? If you don't believe in off shore drilling at what point would you allow it!? TaggerNancy Pelosi says that she will not allow a vote on off shore oil matter what! Do you agree ?
This idiot was born with a silver spoon in her mouth. Chauffered to school all her young life and has no idea what it is like to have to try and pay for rent or a mortgage or have to figure out how to feed the kids or pay the light bill and still buy gas to get to what ever job you might be able to find. Biggest horses *** in Washington, bar none.Nancy Pelosi says that she will not allow a vote on off shore oil matter what! Do you agree ?
She will wait for her democratic leader LOL!

So he can have the glory of saving us it's a ploy she will have no choice. Pelosi has been saying no to Bush for the past two years. Everyone act's like this is new! Since the democrats control congress they have been turning this issue down. We could have been half way to oil by now. Democrats lie and say it takes ten years ask Hess's engineers they say 3 yrs. I go with the engineers. Democrats will destroy this country.
Isn't it wonderful how one person can determine what this country needs or wants. She decided therefore let us all bow down to the high priestess of congress. It is too bad she can't hear all of us out here yelling drill, drill, drill.

By the way to those that say there are oil leases already out there that are not being drilled it is because the test wells all came up dry. There is no oil there.
If you want the source of high gas prices just look no farther than Pelosi and Reid. These old hippies are living in the sixties and do not understand how far technology has advanced to make drilling safer and more efficient.
wow, Republicans~!!!

Bush just threw a shiny new ball across the fence and now they are all digging under it to get at it~!!!

talk about distraction~!!!

here boy, go get it now, thats it, go fetch it and leave me alone for a while~!!!!
China is doing a ton of offshore drilling near Florida. She is secretly all for it. It is not a huge secret. Just search somewhere besides CNN.
I probably wouldn't be too concerned about gas prices either if I was as rich (25 million USD net worth) and detached from the world as she is.
There is nothing on God's green earth that would encourage me to listen to anything Nancy Pelosi had to say !
Here's her phone number... give her a call EVERY SINGLE DAY and tell her to ';SHUT UP AND DRILL';

This is one of the reasons why we are paying such high gas prices. Thanks Nancy for making the problem worse!
she is the reason they are in the way

Will someone please push this hag out of the way.. We have a country to run here.
hey, these liberal idiots elected her... Let them fill my gas tank.
yep she sux!!!!!

she is why we should eliminate WOMANS SUFFRAGE!!!
Yes, I agree completely. Even Bush, who is a advocate, concedes that drilling will have no effect. It will not put a drop of gasoline at the pump for 10 years and will delude us into thinking we have done something, when, in fact, we have done nothing.

Pelosi, all Democrats and rational Republicans should refuse to bring drilling to a vote unless and until the neocons come forth with an actual plan to free us of dependence on foreign oil.

Conservation and alternative fuels must be part of that plan. No to neocon oil industry shills!
Let's see. Big Oil is sitting on 70% of the land they already have contracts to drill on, they just aren't drilling it. So WHY should we give them more? Tell me that. Explain the logic!

The high price of gas is due to a weak dollar and the speculation market. It has nothing to do with a high demand and low supply, if that were the case we'd have gas lines at the pump, or when OPEC increased supply it would have decreased the price of oil, yet instead -- prices went up.

Tell me WHY Bush and McCain both said drilling offshore was a PSYCHOLOGICAL solution that wouldn't reduce prices anytime soon? That's why I agree with her.

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