I am for MORE JOBS
I am for CLEANER SHORES so we need to drill to prevent seepage.For or against drilling for oil in the US - reason why you are for or against?
Okay...don't now what Anonymous is talking about but President Obama has said too many times to mention that he would like us to mine more coal and make it burn cleanly. as far as drilling, there isn't a problem with it as long as the oil companies use the leases that they haven't used yet. They have a ton of leases that they have yet to use so to start drilling areas that they don't have leases yet wouldn't make much sense. also, it take about 10 years to get anything from any new drilling. Instead of listen to what someone said the president said, they should actually listen to the president themselves.
I am for drilling at home. I think we need less dependency on foreign oil while we also move toward alternative fuels. I also believe that this is an issue of states' rights. If Alaskans want to drill in anwr, that is their right. We shouldn't be able to tell them not to.
I will say however, I did like the posting by QUIRK. Your #3 reason for not drilling is very compelling. I have never looked at it like that before.
I am definitely for it. I have a brother-in-law who's in the mining business (over 20 years) and he's told me that the machinery his company makes %26amp; sells is so much better than the stuff from years ago. It's more efficient, and less objectionable (to those who think they'll mar the beauty of our national park system). He also said that there's a huge supply of oil shale in Colorado that could be safely mined, and give us many years of oil. It makes me wonder why the largest pools of oil are located under our national park system...hmmm...just a co-inky-dink ya think? That our government would happen to own that land, and are hesitant about drilling there because of the supposed ugliness of the drilling platforms...just makes you wonder sometimes. I like the book that Newt Gingrich has out now, ';Drill Here, Drill Now';. I happen to agree with much of what he says. We need to become independant of any foreign energy. It's bad enough they've got our jobs, so why give them our money for their oil? Now that would get our country back to work, with all the openings for oil field workers. But, we've got such a wussie government, scared of the environmentalists getting in their faces about dirtying up the national parks. Why, Mr. Gore might just chain himself to a tree...again. Can't have that now can we? %26lt;*)))%26gt;%26lt;
Yes, I'm for drilling wherever oil is found. Reason, I don't ever want to see gasoline cost $4.00 a gallon again. I don't like the idea that OPEC can hold back supply and we have to bow to them. I don't like that our dependence on foreign oil forces us to make friends with dictators and human rights abusers. I don't like that we fund our enemies by buying oil from them.
1. Our domestic production declines by 3% every year from depletion, forcing us to import more oil.
2. Transportation of oil from foreign countries (except by pipeline) increases energy consumption and carbon production even more.
3. We would pay for oil and it would go to US companies who would at least spend it here on taxes, wages and facilities.
4. Other countries are coming to exploit the surrounding waters, so we're just supposed to wait for them to sell us the oil?
For, as long as the oil produced is kept off the international market and reserved for U.S. use only. Our economy depends on oil right now and we need to be independent of whatever goes on in the rest of the oil market.I am sick of some Arab getting his nose out of joint and I have to pay more at the pump for no good reason. They have us by the short and curlys and I find this circumstance intolerable.
I'm all for it.
1. To reduce our dependence on foreign oil
2. Because we live in an oil based planet. Everything on this planet is touched by oil in some way.
3. Because I love pissing off the eco-terrorist, tree-hugging, hippie liberals.
For. But I believe it won't happen because I think the government has known about this vein all along and purposely did not want the people to know about it because they don't plan to sell this oil to US citizens cheap but to sell it for a higher profit abroad.
I have no problem with drilling in the USA, just not in National Parks or pristine wilderness. Do it off shore, do it in Texas, but these politicos want to sell out what is left of our beautiful country.
It dosent matter what my opinion is. Obama wants to stop drilling %26amp; coal mining, %26amp; nuclear. Anything thats proven hes against.
Maybe we should try Gerbils on treadmills.
I have no problem with drilling in the US as long as it has no effect on the surrounding wildlife or green space
For drilling, we need our own natural resources, ready and available to us .
Drill all you want. There is no oil left. ANWR has a one year supply. You are being played.
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