Monday, August 23, 2010

Who prevents America from drilling for oil, building refineries, and building more nuclear power plants?

Liberal wackos...and their stooges in the US congress.Who prevents America from drilling for oil, building refineries, and building more nuclear power plants?
Oil companies....they also prevent electric cars, higher gas mileage and anything else that could potentially dip into profits.

57% of federal land leases with oil reserves are open for unlimited permits required, already been approved.

They dont want to mess with the supply factor because they have quite a good thing going right now.Who prevents America from drilling for oil, building refineries, and building more nuclear power plants?
No oneprevents them from drilling for more oil, in fact they have just discovered an oilfield in Utah that is bigger than the one in Alaska and is capeagle ofproducing over 100 billion barels of crude per day As far as creating more necular power plants that falls under the international stragitc arms limitations and can only be done after wating several years for permission.
With respect to drilling, it costs too much to get oil out of most existing American wells (although the cost of oil may change that). No one wants a refinery in his backyard, and it makes no sense to build them unless there is transportation nearby. As far as nuclear power, well, you are going to see more of it, as well as solar , hydroelectric and wind power.
Well, both political parties who have taken on special interest positions have. With all the legislation in past decades, it is very, very, very hard to near impossible to enen get paperwork submitted. Congress need to go back and revolk many of their policies to openup those opportunities. Energy companies basically have their hands tied. They are told that they can't drill for oil anywhere. With nuclear scares of Three Mile Island and the fear of nuclear explosions of the 1970's and 1980's. nuclear was taboo for the longest time. And a new refiniery is unnessary unless you have resources to draw from to have something to refine. Many energy companies have developed technologies that could help us right now. wind, solar, tidal, and other sources get bogged down because Congress has made it impossible to move forward.
Politically correct politicians and the low lives that vote for them are responsible for our economic mess and that problem is more than just oil. The politically correct tax and destroy policies of our government has sent millions of American jobs offshore causing economic hardship to smaller groups at a time so the effect was never felt en mass before now. Also politically correct/ environmentally correct politicians have prevented new industries from becoming a new job source for America's citizens.

An example is the state of Maine The fishing and forestry jobs have been regulated out of existence and 52% of all the Jobs in Maine are Government jobs
the process prevents it. I once heard it takes 8-10 years just to get the permits in order to build a refinery. Now add 2+ years construction another year at least for testing all while not making any money on that refinery.
We the people that elect politicians. This is not a partisan issue and it did not happen in just the last couple of years. The writing was on the wall decades ago,yet it was ignored because of arrogance,selfishness and greed.
we the people do.

the last time someone tried to build a nuclear power plant, oil refinery, or airport

All of the conservatives And liberals said the Exact same thing.. ';NOT in My Backyard !!!';
You have Federal, state and local regulations. When they're not outright banning those actions, they're making the regulations too expensive to accomodate.
Individual citizens that vote not in my back yard. No one wants any of those in their town, they want them to be built somewhere else, but eventually it has turned out to be nowhere else.
Who allows oil companies to continue to merge moving ever closer to a monopoly and destroying competition? Mainly republicans.
Al Gore and his supporter



Court (they had the last to said whether is constituion or not even to even drill oil)
only those who are wise enough to keep

their surroundings clean and healthy

why do, of all people -- the wealthy,

think that they cannot afford to???
i do~!
environmentalist, democrats and the BIG OIL COMPANIES...
Mainly Democrats.
. the oil lobby for beginners, but the oil companies dont want to spend their own money
democrat voters
People with green teeth.

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