Saturday, August 21, 2010

In light of Democrats preventing drilling of oil in ANWR to protect the caribou,?

Would Democrats also allow people to starve if caribou was the only thing left to eat, what say you?In light of Democrats preventing drilling of oil in ANWR to protect the caribou,?
The Dems would be torn between adhering to their socialist policies and protecting the caribou. What a quandary that would be!In light of Democrats preventing drilling of oil in ANWR to protect the caribou,?
Thanks for Best Answer! : ) Report Abuse

When the oil companies need to drill it, you can guarantee there will be enough in Washington supporting it.

Do you even have a clue what the affects would be on Wallstreet if they even got a hint that supply was increased and oil prices were going to drop?

When you figure it out, you'll also figure out why drilling is not occuring on the land that congress opened for drilling in 2006.
Working from Joe's response, the government would continue to prohibit us from killing caribou but would permit the Inuits to kill it, butcher it and sell it to the rest of us at some insanely high price (because it will cost so much to transport it perhaps). Thus we wouldn't starve but we would be immeasurably poorer due to the inefficiency of the process. Kind of exactly like the oil side of things...
Republicans would think nothing of wiping a species or two from the planet to keep themselves from looking stupid for buying a used Suburban for ';cheap';.

And yet they steadfastly cling to the assertion that they represent the ';moral'; majority in America.

The might as well be cutting off one of God's fingers or toes.
I don't know about the caribou. I do know that we would have been better off buying gas from the Arabs, rather than invading and occupying their cousin's land. This did nothing but piss them off and cause them to raise their price.

With friends like Israel, the USA doesn't need enemies. If we could only return to isolationist politics and give Israel the boot!
The small amount of oil would not help the current problem. Why cause long term destruction for a short term profit for oil companies and the Republicans who owe them so much. Do you really think that oil would make a difference to your life? If you do then you are very naive.
The old adage, ';Save a seal, beat a democrat.'; can now be changed to Eat a caribou and beat a democrat.
The Dems would tax your proportions then try to control what part of the Caribou you can eat.
not sure....but the alaskan pipeline didn't harm the caribou population as suspected....who knows
yes they would.

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