Saturday, August 21, 2010

Why do people think that drilling will offer any short or long-term solutions for our oil addiction?

I can't remember a time in my brief life that the price of gasoline has ever dropped significantly. I don't imagine they ever will for any reason. Why do people believe that they will? Because there has been a tremendous pr push by the oil corporations to influence that opinion. How have the oil giants treated you lately? How have they treated you in the past? It's not going to change, people.Why do people think that drilling will offer any short or long-term solutions for our oil addiction?
What do you mean? Even simply by talking about drilling for more oil, the price of oil has dropped in fear of us obtaining more supply. The second someone gives the final okay to start more drilling, oil prices will drop. Prices go up because we're willing to pay and the oil countries know that. The more the see us truly exploring all options to reduce our dependency on foreign oil, they more they will try to lower oil prices to try to stop us from continuing.

Oil is not a simple business. It has some similarities to the stock market in when and how prices fluctuate. You don't need to obtain the new oil before it impacts the current pricing, though actually getting the oil will of course have a bigger impact. I'll take anything we can get though.

In any case, sitting around pointing out what won't happen for a long time isn't doing any good. We need to at least do something or else nothing will ever get done.Why do people think that drilling will offer any short or long-term solutions for our oil addiction?
It is a short term fix, and alternatives are being developed. We have the choice of the Hybrid (Toyota, I believe?). The biggest problem is that these alternative fuel vehicles are too expensive for the majority of Americans (I know that's why I don't have one, and I have never bought a new car for that reason-all my cars have been used although late model). The real solution is to make every car manufacturer sell their alternative fuel source vehicles at an affordable (read comparative) price. In the meantime, domestic drilling is the short-term fix.
Your Car runs on Gasoline made from Oil, Ethanol actually is causing world hunger. The electric car is not available in massive amount to replace the Oil driven cars nor is Hydrogen plus the Hydrogen that is used comes from Natural Gas which is expensive and causes pollution getting you clean Hydrogen.

The great Renewable Energy Promise is years and years away. Oh were one break through away is always the story. The economy is based on Oil and unless we drill and get the oil to feed our cars and economy we will continue to pay the dictators billions and oil companies will continue to bring in the huge profits and you will still be promising us what?

Oil is our Now and your future is still years away and we need to drill now, drill here, and drill our way to lower prices.

After seeing Senator Reid today I am convinced the Democratic Party wants to keep our Gas Prices high to ';push us'; towards the ';future'; in Alternative Energy, but their promises are just a hope and oil is reality.
Short term, eh, will slightly influence prices downward because the future is brighter for oil, but basically it is a long term thing, and it is an illusion and here is why:

Saudi Arabia and others has increased out put to meet demands and fend off the current make believe crisis. When more USA oil (in the future) comes available on the market, the amount we put out there will allow/cause the Saudis to decrease there out put to previous levels...devious, yes, but this has happened before and that was what happened.
You are WRONG! In some areas, It will only take one year for the oil to flow. Even the longest time is ANWAR which will take about 6 years. The thing is that prices will drop immediately as soon as our competitors see that we are serious about drilling. It is almost 100% safe now and will bring 1,000's of high paying jobs. We MUST become energy independant! We are sending $750 Billion dollars a year out of this country due to foreign oil!

Drill oil to increase our supply %26amp; lower cost %26amp; ease our depenence on terrorist countrie= 2 years until we see oil.

Switch to ANY method of alternative or green fuel= 10-15 years to switch over.

They're proposing we drill now, help ourselves now until we get fully switched over to alternative fuel
You are so right, we are depending like a cocaine addict on more and more of that stuff.

The solution is modern technology.

A middle class German family with the same or better standard of living like one here, uses 20% of the energy/oil.

That's the future, not more cheap technology and expensive oil
Addiction is not the problem being addressed by increased drilling but rather relief from exorbitant prices caused by high worldwide demand.
Why exactly do you think that an increase in drilling would not lower gas prices?
Because anyone who actually believes that is a republican azzhole.
Because that is what they are told by the talking heads.
Would you sit on a one legged bar stool? We need to drill AND develop alternatives.
I also want windmills on my cars.
Because it will..
because we as a society are desperate- cars are a great part of our life
what will doing nothing give us?

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