Saturday, August 21, 2010

Do libs realize if we had been drilling oil in America on a large scale since the Carter years, we'd be OK?

You don't get it.

Liberal Democrat Big business wants people spending less money on ';luxury'; items from Asia and more money on ';necessities';.


Because poor people with fewer luxuries retreat into fantasy.

If Dems make it impossible to do anything except hang out around the house people spend money on entertainment like music, television and movies. Entertainment is the most profitable business, especially for Liberal Democrats.

Keeping people spending the majority of their income on ';necessities'; turns them into virtual slaves.

Over two hundred years and the Democrats are still trying to keep people as slaves.

PS: Someone has been hanging out at Wikipedia again and does not know squat about the leadership of Congress.

The house majority was Democrat from 1955 to 1995.鈥?/a>Do libs realize if we had been drilling oil in America on a large scale since the Carter years, we'd be OK?
Thank You.

Liberal Borg, now that is good! Report Abuse
Do libs realize if we had been drilling oil in America on a large scale since the Carter years, we'd be OK?
Isn't it quaint that the first respondent questions your education? What a simpleton.

Had we been drilling, we would be less dependent now on foreign oil. There are plenty of factors contributing to the current pain but our reluctance to capitalize on our own resources has hurt us, mental midgits notwithstanding. We may not have been ';okay'; now, but we'd be better off nonetheless.
We have been drilling on a large scale since the Carter years. My husband worked in the oil fields of Kansas for 34 years and made good money. You drive on almost any hi-way in mid and western Ks. and see drilling rigs and workover rigs . I can look out my windows at night and see more than one drilling rig lit up like a Christmas tree all night. And this is only one state out of many that are doing the same thing. Your problem is not with production but with big companies such as Exon Mobile that are having record profits every quarter of the year.
So lets kill the environment so you can have a few more hamburgers to stuff your face with each week? Science has been detailing the reality of our use of fossil fuels. Had we been lax, who knows what Mother Nature would have done. The point is, it's selfish to destroy our environment just so you can have a few more dollars sitting in your american bank account. Start being responsible and seeking ways to better the planet rather than thinking about yourself, for once.
Great idea. Maybe if we drill for 10 years starting now, then we would get gas down to what it is in Mexico now. So here's the paradox: how can a neighboring country use American dollars to buy oil and sell gas for almost half the price as American companies. Would that be an indication of collusion, incredible mismanagement, outrageous profiteering or an administration acting like a pack of drunken sailors. Maybe if we didn't subsidize them. Nah.
Obviously, you've been misinformed. We were drilling like crazy after the first oil crisis of the late 1970s. The OPEC countries by the same token started to ramp up their oil production, which caused a worldwide oil glut in the 80s. Suddenly, oil wells and oil drilling no longer became profitable here in the U.S. because of cheap and abundant oil.
how about was clinton who first blocked anwar and off shore because he said it wouldn't help for ten more years,lol. he was a jerk and so is the new one running only on a larger scale.
That's an interesting point since the Republican had been in control of Congress for all but 8 years since 1982 and from 1982-2008 only 8 years have been under a Democratic president. Maybe the Republicans should have done it while they were in power for 18 years of the past 26.
Whuh? It isn't still the Cater years? Oh, man, I messed up. Those purple dots. Drag. Oil? You snort it, shoot up, or drink it? Ahhhh, if it wasn't this, it'd be that. It's all a gas. Heh,heh,gas.
sorry duuuud if we had drilled in large scale me and you had to wear masks, no animal would be alive , and bush family would be dancing every day,
Umm no we wouldn't, because oil supply isn't the problem.

this is:鈥?/a>
That's nonsense. The reason oil is so high is because of speculators and a weak dollar. There's no shortage of oil.
As soon as they say drilling opened up the price will come down some%26gt;The Dems don't want drilling until they can have total control of the drilling%26gt; GOV control%26gt; Like GOV Health care%26gt;
Never has so much been written about a topic that so few know so little or nothing about. Prattle on.
Do you realize that oil is not a renewable resource and not environmentally friendly?
The oil companies are enjoying record profits, what incentive is there for them to drill?
even during the first bush we would be better off, at least carter didn't put a ban on offshore drilling.
Even if drilling our own oil doesn't lower the price, I would be happy not giving my money to the mid-east.
Rightous Comment.

Star for you........

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