instead of bickering,beating the bush,accusing democrats,and law makers,why does'nt President Bush execute his power and demand domestic oil drilling immediately in the interest of Americans,instead we are paying OPEC big bucks and losing the war effort.or should we the people demand domestic oil drilling? or is it no longer we the people? but big buckaroo oil cartels?Why does'nt President Bush order domestic drilling for oil?
crabby_blindguy3 answered the question, ditto for me.
I would add this: why hasn't Bush, or his neocon buddies, led the charge on conservation?
If we are attacked we ask for soldiers.
If the river is rising we ask for folks to place sandbags.
We are using too much oil and what does the president ask of us........silence.Why does'nt President Bush order domestic drilling for oil?
Who is he going to demand it of?
He has no right to order the oil companies to use their equipment to drill, and Congress has no power to take over a private industry either. Neither he, nor the United States owns any drilling equipment, and when your president takes power over a private industry, its called nationalization, which we don't approve of in this country.
Now, possibly, its time to reconsider this idea of having our country drill for our oil, but that's not going to go over with our capitalist ideal.
Despite all you hears about 'our' oil, from 'our' country. We don't have any means of drilling for oil, only the oil companies lease federal lands and they buy the lease, and they can drill or not drill as they want. Even then, they don't have to sell the oil to us, let alone sell it to us cheaper than world prices.
Business is in business to make a profit, they would be cheating their shareholders if they didn't make as much profit as they could.
Republicans such as Schwartzenegger, Jeb Bush and Crist have asked that offshore oil drilling not take place in their states, Florida, California, and Alaska.
There have been no applications for a new refinery in thirty years. So for thirty years no treehugger has even had to vote.
Everyone has to obey rules, the idea that oil companies should get a pass to pollute just because its oil is nonsense.
So who was it that stopped domestic drilling in the first place? Wasn't it the smarter President George Bush?
'Congress imposed the drilling moratorium in 1981 and has extended it each year since, by prohibiting the Interior Department from spending money on offshore oil or gas leases in virtually all coastal waters outside the western Gulf of Mexico and in some areas off Alaska.
President George H.W. Bush issued a parallel executive drilling ban in 1990, which was extended by President Clinton and then by the current president until 2012.'
Read in on fox!,2933,3682鈥?/a>
Well, first of all, contrary to what the neocons think, Bush is not a king--he does not have the authority to order anything.
Its hilarious, really. The cons run around for years yapping about ';government interference in the free market.
Now--they have to put a few extra buck s into buying gas for the SUVs they should have had better sense than to buy in the first place--and they're whining for the government to';do something.';
BTW--Why arne't the oil companies drilling on the leases they already have? Until you cons can come up with an answer to that one, no one is going to do anything but laugh at your begging for offshore drilling.
We should establish a comprehensive American energy policy, cut our reliance on foreign oil in half, develop alternative forms of energy, increase production of synthetic fuels from coal, insulate 90 percent of American homes, put solar panels on millions of American homes, cut petroleum use significantly, and establish a strategic petroleum reserve of six months. These are the things President Jimmy Carter proposed to Congress in 1977, but were undermined by the next president, Ronald Reagan. If it wasn't for Reagan, we wouldn't be in this mess today.
';We will feel mounting pressure to plunder the environment. We will have a crash program to build more nuclear plants, strip-mine and burn more coal, and drill more offshore wells than we will need if we begin to conserve now. Inflation will soar, production will go down, people will lose their jobs. Intense competition will build up among nations and among the different regions within our own country.'; - President Jimmy Carter, televised speech, April 18th, 1977
P.S. To answer the guy above. Carter did not ban nuclear power, but actually pushed it, especially nuclear safety. Subsequent to Carter's administration, dozens of new nuclear power plants were built.
Also, Congress did not ban domestic drilling for oil under Carter. It banned domestic *offshore* drilling for oil off most US coastlines. Incidentally, lifting the ban on offshore drilling and ANWR would result in a 6 cent per gallon decrease in the price of gas -- in 17 years.
As for the statement that Congress banned ';electrical generating plants.'; Well, that's just wrong.
Thumbs down, hmm? Prove me wrong.
Two reasons:
1) There is already lots and lots of drilling going on all around the US right now. Active rigs are up 38%, work over rigs are up almost 50%. Several midwestern states (Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota) are having a record setting year in oil production. We're just not drilling in the two areas the oil companies have wanted to get their hands on for 30 years. Namely ANWR and east and west coasts.
2) The oil industry is not a nationalized, government run industry. Bush does not control them (more likely the other way around).
I don't know either. Bush did say he was the Decider. He also said that he was going to do whatever he wanted too.
I guess ordering more domestic oil production must've slipped his melon while he was otherwise preoccupied with bringing about some 'fantasy democracies' in Iraq and Afghanistan...
But it's waaay too late to start shifting blame to a party that was a snubbed minority for the last 12 years.
If he could do it, legally, he would have done so. Mr. Bush is bound by the same laws that drillers are bound by. The problem rests squarely with Democrats in Congress who, for 30 years, have stopped all new drilling and the building of oil refineries.
It may be a popular thing to do: bash the President for anything and everything. I think it shows lack of class.
Mostly because if he ';executive orders'; oil drilling, it will put an end to the republicans' best campaign issue. Lets wreck more of the environment than we already are.
The oil companies are not drilling on the leases they have, they are not bidding on the lands available for lease. The oil refineries are running at 85% capacity, down from their typical 100%.
Oil is not a free market any more than the diamond market is. The oil companies are manipulating the supply of GASOLINE, not crude oil.
Under Carter, Congress banned domestic drilling for oil, banned new nuclear power plants and banned construction of electrical generating plants. To drill for oil Congress has to lift the ban. Since we can't produce oil, the price of gas has skyrocketed, along with the price of food. You voted for the dems and look what they gave you. I suppose that being a dem yourself you'll still go along and continue to vote them in. Right? Try and get real.
It's not the President but Congress that has the power to approve a resolution demanding drilling anywhere in the U.S. But we have always had a do-nothing Congress-- more so in an election year. Congress is out of touch with the people because most of them are fat cats who ride limousines and don't have to worry about the high cost of filling their gas tanks.
Another angle to this issue is the lack of innovation from the U.S. auto industry. We can send probes to Saturn but Detroit's engineers are asleep; they have not produced any improvements on energy efficient engines for autos in 50 years. It's not impossible to build an engine with biofuels and have it run 100 miles per gallon. That's a real solution that would solve our energy crisis faster than any drilling resolution. And once again, American automobiles would be the best export to the rest of the world.... we would be solving the planet's energy crisis. I've heard that there is a 300 million bonus for any engineer that can produce innovation in engines. That's the best way to go.
Hey Crabby, it's OK, we know you don't understand, so don't feel like a total idiot. ITS THE LIBERALS that are crying about the prices, while they raise the gas tax in the Democrat States like mine, Maryland! Why don't they drill in the land leased to the oil companies????
BECAUSE THERE ISN'T ANY OIL THERE???Dahhhh%26gt; If the Libs would stop voting against building new refineries, gas would be cheaper. Quit complaining and vote the libs out. We have enough Oil in America and surrounding shores to last us until the year 3000, or until we can find the technology to use something else less expensive. I live in the greatest and richest Country in the world, if I want to drive a Mack truck to work, I have the freedom to do that, without a bunch of pussyy asss Liberal Hypocrates getting their feathers ruffled. It's none of your business what I drive. I have two Sons in the military giving their all for me to have the freedom to drive what I want. If there weren't any ';NEOCONS'; Our military would only have about a handful of people in it. Just a couple of Gays trying to prove a point. Republicans are the ones fighting for your freedom. The military is only about 10% Democrats.
Bush cannot demand that they drill domestically, congress has to first vote on the issue and if its passed, then the president can sign the bill and start drilling. Getting it passed through congress is the tough part because people are divided over whether they want to save the environment or save a buck.
One minute people are calling Bush a dictator and they want him stopped and the next minute they want him to become a dictator. Bush isn't in D.C. all by him self there are all those people that we elected to represent us and they have done nothing but play politics at our expense. If you want things to change forget Bush he will be gone in a few months, go after the people who can bring about change but we have one problem most of them are bought and paid for by the lobbyist and their only interest right now is the up coming election. Having said that I know that nothing will change because most people will not face the fact that the people we elected have failed us and need to go.
Ask every Nazi environmental group and ultra Lib. There you will find your answer. President Bush cannot wave an Executive Order under someones nose ordering more domestic drilling. Our 9% approval rating Congress has to undo all the damage. But as long as Reid and Pelosi are around that is not going to happen.
Congress has to do this. To all of the people opposing the drilling, consider this:
When Clinton was president, the legislation to open up ANWAR was shot down. Remember that it takes 10 years to get oil pumping out of it? Would have been nice to have right about now.
Better sooner than later.
Because we get most of our oil from Alberta, Canada...and can get all we want anyway. If he wanted them to pump the already DRILLED and CAPPED wells; all he has to do is tax it as inventory....which is what it is. It will come flying out of the ground then.
Besides nothing would happen for years. All available off-shore rigs are in use and the ships that service them are overbooked in advance. The shipyards in Korea and China are already booked so heavily that they upped the price of a single rig by $100,000,000 (they cost close to $1/2 billion now.) So you were saying?
The wells capped in AK can go online whenever they want since the pipeline is operating at 1/2 capacity or close to it (I'd have to check up on that) Many are leased by BP. They are on Federal land though.
Lets get the party system out of the equation. Environmentalists have learned to work the legal system such that all attempts to do anything are slowed down to a crawl. No new refineries, nuke plants, drilling. Our energy policy has been non-existent. Perhaps that will change. Perhaps not.
Because thats congresses job, and sadly congress is being controlled by a bunch of liberals such as Barack Obama.
They are the ones blocking the drilling. Havent you been watching the news?
Please READ this website:鈥?/a>
number one: it would be an estimated ten years before we reaped any benefits.
number two: we'd still have to pay for the oil to be refined.
in the end it would cost more for us to drill our own oil. foreign oil is cheap, that is why we depend on it.
Let's tell Bush and Congress we want oil drilling.
Bush is one of the biggest oil caretells that exist. He says he wants off shore drilling, but just like every lie he's told. he really doesn't. That would interfere with the profits he makes.
Because congress voted against it! The president can't just do what he wants. It's the people that ';we the people'; voted into office that didn't vote to allow for more drilling!
I guess he could issue an exec order - I wish he would, just to give the anti-oil Dems a kick in the backside.
An EO does not make up law, it just invokes existing law.
Love Jack
because anyoen with inteligence knows we can't dril our way into a high US dollar value, which is the real problem.
Bush is just trying to PR it to blame democrats.
It's an issue for congress not the president. An executive order won't do the trick.
Ask Congress and the Environmentalist groups who are Paid Lobbyists.
because soy loving, tree hugging ******* wont stop complaining about it.
Retardation? idk
Moose, what would you ask for if your were attacked or if your rivers rose?!?
because congress can over ride him.
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