Saturday, August 21, 2010

If Greeks are drilling for oil of the coast of Cyprus will you share ?

the find 50/50 with the Turkish side for good relationsIf Greeks are drilling for oil of the coast of Cyprus will you share ?
Well, if the Greeks sell their rights to the Russians (a state with nuclear dissuasion). they will not share, as they possess nukes.

If the Greeks are ever smarter and sell the rights to American interests, the Turks will stay mute, or as we say in Greece will smoke sisha (or nargilla) tobacco sliced in small chunks (蟿慰蠀渭蟺蔚魏委 蠄喂位慰魏慰渭渭苇谓慰).

If the Greeks decide to keep all the booty to themselves their economy will somehow crumble instantly, Turkey with the blessing of NATO will invade Greece over a dispute dating buck to the 18th century, and the oil will ebd up in the same American companies Greece did not want to do business with.

If Greeks are realy lucky and G_d is really on their side, there will be no oil found on the Aegean. The day when Greece finds petroleum, uranium or cobalt on her soil it will be the end of Greece, because forces and counties with unbelievable power will storm over this country to appropriate these resources.

Unfortunately it is of no use to be rich if you can nor protect your wealth. If you are weak, it is much safer to be poor. The powers that be will leave you alone.

Greeks nationalists, Greek neonazis, Greek fundamentalists, Greeks with low-low IQ, Greeks unable to understand real politics, Greeks unable to handle reality, Greeks with no skills whatsoever, please give me your usual thumbs down.

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