Saturday, August 21, 2010

Are Pelosi and the Democrats blocking a vote on drilling because they want oil prices high?

If you want lower fuel prices why would you vote for a Democrat?

They want to actually raise taxes on Oil Companies who will immediately pass those highr taxes on to us, the consumers.Are Pelosi and the Democrats blocking a vote on drilling because they want oil prices high?
Possibly, but I think it is more likely a case of Hanlon's Razor.

Hanlon's razor is an adage which reads:

Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Also worded as:

Never assume malice when stupidity will suffice.Are Pelosi and the Democrats blocking a vote on drilling because they want oil prices high?
News flash for a few of you - it is not the Government's job to ';force'; change on it's people. And yes, they are trying to keep prices high, and then in turn, blame it on the Republicans. It should be abundantly clear by now. Think about it - Bush lifted the EO on drilling offshore, and oil immediately dropped. Supply is part of the problem, but so are speculators - and Congress saying we can drill offshore would cause a price drop due to speculators. And for the genius who accused Exxon of ';price gouging';, can you explain how the profit margin is pretty much unchanged? A steady profit margin, coupled with higher demand, creates higher profit - Econ 101.
That doesn't even make sense. Why would they want oil prices high?

They have made it very clear that their position is that the oil drilling will not make an appreciable difference and is not worth the effort, and that they are pushing for alternative resource development. I also believe they see the oil drilling idea as a bid by a group of oil-industry-involved Republicans to enrich themselves under the guise of aiding the economy.

Besides, do you realize that if we allow this drilling to occur, we would have to nationalize the operation to retain all the oil in the domestic market? Since that will never happen, the oil will go on the open market, which is why it will put such an insignificant dent in the price.
They're not ';blocking'; anything. The Democrats are the majority in Congress, and if the majority doesn't want to change the policy then it doesn't get changed. If you want a good example of blocking legislation, take a look at what the Republicans have been doing in the Senate for the last 2 years.
I want a clean environment more than I want lower fuel prices. I applaud Pelosi and the Democrats for not allowing private companies to violate our national parks just so they can sell 'our' oil on international markets. Why should we allow our public lands to be spoiled just so the most profitable businesses in the world can make even more money? Do you honestly think the companies that drill up the oil will let Americans have it for free?
the way you word your question, gives me the image of a chicken with a weight on it's neck....

It never crossed your mind that we should be standing up to Exxon, for posting record profit at a time when supposedly ';supply fears'; are driving up the price....?

Profiting is ok....price gouging is not !

you my good sir are only defending the fascism, that exists today in American government....
Oil prices are going to remain high whether we drill off shore or not. It is a matter or supply and demand. Do you think that if the Chinese are willing to pay premium prices for oil that the american oil companies won't ship that new found oil overseas?
No - they would like to force the R%26amp;D of alternative fuels we can produce without relying on foreign interests while also preserving our precious wild areas and coasts.

Change is never easy and it sometimes comes with a price - but it is inevitable - and necessary.
Apparently you don't know what a ';windfall profits'; tax is. If oil prices don't increase, there is no tax on the oil companies to be passed on to us.
Oil companies productions are decreasing....

And Oil cannot be find anywhere within 68m acres allowed or they may not be commercially tapped.

It is wise to find viable oil deposit for commercial production.
you betcha!! Those idiots don't have a clue what they are doing. Anyone who supports the Democrats nowadays needs a serious reality check and I mean immediately!!!

Yes, they are trying to force Oil higher to make the Republicans look bad, and to force us to alternative fuels.
You answered your own question. Pelosi needs to go back to California in time for the big quake!!!
the democrats motto: Kepp the people at the mercy of the government, never allow them to think they can live free and without a nanny state
i dont know i never vote democrat and im not now...

i want lower taxes/gas prices/so mccain is the only choice
The Dems own lots of oil company stock.
They are going to drill in Bush's living room first
If it can lead to higher taxes the democrats are all for it.

If anyone dissagrees then why would the democrats oppose allowing us to drill for more oil even if gas goes up to $10/gal!

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