Recent CNN poll yesterday.Does Obama really care that 73% of Americans support off-shore oil drilling?
I don't think so, it goes against the left wing environmental nuts, strong votes for Obama. Just the fact that Bush lifted the ban on drilling dropped oil $15, just think if we did productive drilling. OPEC wants to control countries with oil. We were told 10yrs ago it would take 10yrs to see the benefits of drilling, well folks, here we are. Drilling can be done responsibly, but also the energy companies need to work diligently for alternative fuels. They need to become energy companies not just oil companies. Buying gas from American companies only (those that don't buy foreign oil) will be a big statement also. I hope we drill %26amp; find alternative fuels %26amp; OPEC natons have such a glut they have to pour it out on the ground to get rid of it.Does Obama really care that 73% of Americans support off-shore oil drilling?
You are buying into the massive oil company pr campaign to convince the public that off shore drilling will lower fuel prices. When in your lifetime have the oil companies ever lowered fuel prices? That pattern is not very likely to change. They are stockpiling leases and permits to drill so that they control more oil resources so they can manipulate the prices. It's so simple. Apparently simple to fool the majority of Americans, too.
At this point in the campaign, both McCain and Obama's primary care is to get elected. You won't know what issues they really care about until after the election. Nevertheless, the ';planks'; that become the platform on which they run after their respective convention are the stands they will be forced to take by party members (who are also running on those same issues). In other words, they will be forced to care about such planks. How they chose to act on them will be largely dictated by the individuals who they appoint as cabinet members and advisers.
What should he care what American want, he's more important that most Americans.
Why should he care about people not wanting off-shore drilling, he doesn't care that 89% of the people don't want their taxes increases.
The majority of people believe in school vouchers, but Obama doesn't believe in it.
The majority of Americans believe that we have the strongest military in world, Obama wants to cut our military.
Only Obama knows what's best for America, the people don't matter
IAMCT101 the oil companies DO NOT have many productive wells that are capped
What good will it do us? We won't see a drop for at least 10 years so why support something that is absolutely gonna have 0 stimulation to our economy right now. We need to get alternative fuels and rid ourselves of the middle eastern handcuffs on the oil market. The problem is that too many oil CEO's and politicians are in the same pocket book as the middle eastern particularly the Saudis.
No, he is running to be the leader of the country not the follower of the polls. All presidents, must make decisions that are not popular at some point. John McCain doesn't have the integrity to do that, Obama does. McCain used to oppose all off shore drilling, now he has flip flopped and supports some drilling.
No its pretty obvious Obama is on board with the Majority Democrats in Congress the ones responsible for not allowing us to drill where we actually have oil. They all like the oil companies to drill on the leased land where there is no oil. It makes their Oil Shares more profitable. Kerry has 250,000 shares with EXXON, and more with BP%26gt;
Maybe, just Maybe, he thinks like me and 27% of the informed population that understands first of all, if Oil Companies ALREADY hold leases to hundreds of millions of acres of land and sea that they can drill and explore TODAY.. why on earth would ANY intelligent administration give them access to tear up even more? Unbelievable... Not only that, 73% of you idiots havent got a clue on how more drilling will effect the cost at the pump.. heres a hint.... NONE!!!
I'm part saddened, appalled and cant stop laughing at the amount of really dumb people in our society. It doesnt take Economics101 to understand the fastest way to reduce present day gas prices, is to release about 15% of it from the Federal Reserves.. Supply side economics for all you home schooled Yee Haws.. The cost of gas at the pump isnt tied into drilling as much as it is to ';speculation'; and the Stock Markets. I would explain but my guess is roughly 73% of you STILL wouldnt get it, I mean heck, you're talking about a group of people with the resources to FACT CHECK and they still insist that Sen Obama is/was/could be Muslim!!!!!! lmaoooooooo I think its wonderful that FINALLY America will get to show just how dumb we are to the rest of the World when we keep trying to push McCain off as Presidential... lmaooooooooooo Hilarious
I'd guess no. I think democrats think the population is too stupid to take care of itself. That's why democrats don't leave us alone. We're burdened with high tax rates and cumbersome laws that dicate most every facet of our lives. The more government controls, they less autonomy you have.
So it does not matter what you're too stupid to know what you want...that's what you need Obama for.
No he doesn't. He's also against suspending the gas tax. Guess that blows the theory about Dems governing by polls now doesn't it? McCain was able to flipflop over to the more politically convenient position, but not Obama.
Probably not. Once the off-shore drilling begins it will only be praised if good results are produced. If nothing good comes from this, you will have coastline residents infuriated. That will effect republicans much more than it would a Barack Obama.
Neither does Pelosi or Reid, which actually affects us more than what Obama might think.
Email them and voice your displeasure:
73% support off-shore drilling
89% support ending the war in Iraq.
Pick one.
How will off shore drilling solve the gas price issue? It will take on average 7-10yrs for the first drop of oil to come through.
Thanks piggy_smallz for this. I guess we've all learned something today.
no. He would rather spend billions on alternative energy while Americans suffer through high energy prices as a punishment
Most people don`t know that the oil companies already have plenty of wells that are capped off that they are not using.
Barry Soetoro cares only about Barry Soetoro.
Democrats 4 McCain !!!
Obama doesn't care about any thing but becoming president
Of course not!!! Obama cares only about Obama!
He is hiding his head somewhere behind Nancy Pelosi. Way to the rear.
Nope. Neither does Nancy Pelosi who won't even let the issue come up for a vote.
That's why we have a representative government rather than a democracy. People are stupid.
Why do people use polls to justify or validate theories?
they didn't call my house and i would say those polls are not scientific. no to drilling
hemp now
i dont think so
nope, he knows better than all of us
Most Americans want something that will lower gas prices. Most Americans don't realize off-shore drilling will not solve that problem, but sounds like it would.
Most Americans also support alternative energy sources for cars.
Your Stats are wrong 69 percent OPPOSED NYT/CBS poll..
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