Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Obama overturning law on domestic drilling for oil and natural gas. Is that Change in the right direction?


he is overturning executive orders that usurped congress's right to pass laws.

If congress wants such laws it will pass them and the prez will sign them as it should be.

Long live checks and balances and long live democracy.

Down with King Bush !!!!

By the way, do you know that oil was discovered as an energy source centuries ago?? How will we invent things and move forward in the future if we don't cut the embellical cord and stop having it as a crutch?

the smart thing to do is to cut our reliance on oil as fast as possible. By the way, did you know how much money we give to middle east countries to buy their oil? and did you know that no matter how much more we drill, that we really will not significantly reduce what we import in oil??

Tiem and time again you republicans take the side of arguments that is the least intelligent and is more short term thinking rather than long term. Time and time again you choose the path that says its ok to destroy our environment and pollute our air and our waters....for some short term benefit. Time and time again you choose the side of the debate where short term profits are maximized to the detriment of future real benefits.Obama overturning law on domestic drilling for oil and natural gas. Is that Change in the right direction?
I hope he does.

I think our remaining domestic oil reserves are a strategic resource of great importance to the security of the nation.

And I think they should be conserved as much as possible. Because one day we might need them for something more important than carting your bloated behind 40 miles a day to an office job and lunch at McDonalds.

The current, very dramatic drop in gas prices is a clear indication that reducing consumption, even marginally, is a far faster and more effective solution anyway.

um, and what the previous poster said...Obama overturning law on domestic drilling for oil and natural gas. Is that Change in the right direction?
Absolutely not...
I am a contractor for a large Gas Company. Trust me we have plenty of oil and gas in this country without depending on other money mongers. I pray everyday that these democrats don't completely turn everything upside down. Bush did not do this by himself. There were plenty of other Reps and Dems to create this mess.
WE HAVE TO DRILL as we find new energy sources. If we do it now, we won't be buying any oil from 3rd world country's in 20 or so year's with the help of electric cars etc.!

We can't just wait for new technology, we need to start supplying ourselves now. Once technology kicks in, gas will be like .50 cents a gallon in 30 year's because nobody will be using much of it. My son will be my age in 30 year's.

Gasoline will always be availible no matter what new energy sources we invent.
We need to use our own resources for energy. How is not drilling for oil and natural gas here being smart? I bet most people do not know why the gas prices have gone down. It's not because the Oil rich Countries want to charge us less all of a sudden. I believe many of our Companies are close to going bankrupt over the gas prices being so high for so long, now they are shutting down their plants and laying people off. So they quit buying gas to run their plants. All the Democrats have done over the last eight years is block every effort the Republican try to do and tie their hands. Then they blame the Republicans for the shape the Country is now in. I can't see things getting better now that Obama and the Democrats are in complete control.
Yes it is. He's closing the door on this time waster and focusing on a real solution. How is he expected to teach the kids in the short bus if the Ice cream truck is parked right outside... you get rid of the ice cream truck.

FACT: Prior to GW Bush's overturning the ban oil price were steadily going up ($75 / barrel in Nov 2007 to $150 on July 1, 2008)

FACT: On July 16 2008, GW Bush overturned the Executive Order on drilling, oil prices per barrel was near $150 with gas about $4.25. Than Congress did that right thing and let their ban expire on Sept 24.

FACT: Since July 16 oil prices have been dropping like crazy. (Please see website) Today a barrel of oil is around $65 with some experts expecting it continue to go down to $55, even after OPEC reductions. Gas prices are now dropping below $2 per gallon.

Why? Once Bush overturned the ban, the market started to lower oil prices because of the possibility of increase oil future which means more supply vs demand.

But if Obama reinstates the ban, it would cut supply and in-turn raise cost as we go into the spring time (which is normally the beginning of summer travel). The last thing the public needs is higher gas prices again as we try to get out of this economic slow down.

I agree that we need alternative power, but that will take time to discover, develop and set up the infrastructure. Until that time we will need to drill our own oil and nature gas and get less from OPEC nations.

Obama and Congress needs to leave the ban alone.
Well Obama is doing exactly what I thought he would if elected President. Obama is going into office full speed ahead and will erase every single executive and congressional law mandated during the Bush Administration.

For one thing we need to drill our own oil right now so that our country will no longer be at the mercy of OPEC, Russia and other countries. Yes, we should continue developing renewable energy sources, but it is going to take years and lots of money to lay down the infrastructure needed in order Americans access to the renewable energy.

I don't think that Obama's executive order limiting domestic drilling is good for the United States. In fact, I believe that it will do more harm in the long run. Also don't forget that Obama also wants to end coal production and destroy the coal mining industry. This will also affect our electricity bills as well and he sees no problem in making our bills sky rocket.

So much for concern over the Middle Income Americans.

Yeah Right.
ITs wrong! THat is what happens when a non American is voted into an American office!!

He is going to take thousands and thousands of jobs away from our husbands, fathers, brothers, grandpas,sisters, mothers, aunts and uncles.

Its not a matter of IF but WHEN he takes away our DRILLING for energy that we are goign to have to depend on foreign oil and gas that is going to drive the price right back up and will be more than we have ever seen or thought about for a gallon of gas.

I also wonder why a person who was picked by people who want us to ';spread the wealth'; is going to start taking away our energy jobs?

Thank you americans for voting for a non american who is most certainly not in our best interest!!
They can't say they didn't see this coming.

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