Monday, July 26, 2010

Any cons of drilling oil in alaska?

what r your reasons and how would u debate on this issue if they said it decreases our independence on foriegn oil,creates more jobs and... one more thing they'd say if they're for it.Any cons of drilling oil in alaska?
The amount of undrilled oil in the US and Canada can only support us for about 40 years, based on the consumption rate we now have. Then what? First of all, we think we shouldn't have to cut back on our gas guzzlers because we're Americans and we should be free to destroy the environment and then consume what we do have so our children have the same problems we have today in 40 years. So, unfortunately, many will support this without stopping to think about doing so carefully (in moderation: buy less foreign oil, and drill some of our own, not just all of either to extend resources worlwide, in the meantime we need to find alternative resources and make them accessible by all Americans, not just those with the dough to buy solar energy panels, windmills, and Hybrids). If we drill, we shouldn't touch Alaska. There are places in that state that likely have never felt human foot steps. Is it right to destroy our pristine forests and wildlife populations just because we have the power to? While this may be appealing to some Alaskans who worry about the amount their portfolio will extend to their Permanent Fund checks, how many of them will actually be comfortable with allowing this industry to descend upon the land along with it's population influx and land developers? That's going to be a tough fight, and the people of that state must consent to it first...we can't just go up there and start drilling! Jobs? Sure working on the North Slope is outstanding pay...but in this case, it WILL be TEMPORARY! And how many people does it take to drill the oil and build that pipeline? Doesn't matter because after everything is in place, they'll either leave due to lack of jobs or come back to the lower 48 because they didn't want to endure 6-9 month winters in subfreezing temps. All these things are important issues, however there remains one issue that Americans just can't seem to get through their thick skulls on drilling our own oil: WHERE WILL WE REFINE IT??!! Um.......not in Alaska....where are our refineries? Mostly Houston, Texas...and how many are there left down there? 3? And AT LEAST one of them is always off-line. So, how will we get that oil to Houston? You can't put it on a ship...tanker won't fit through the Panama Canal...Build a refinery further North you say? Well where will that money come from? Exxon/Mobile with their 52 BILLION in PROFITS each QUARTER? And they can't build a refinery? What the heck? Hmmmm....maybe they make more money off the import of foreign oil than they would by building a refinery to accomodate new drilling and selling in the US.Any cons of drilling oil in alaska?
Been answered pretty much point on in this question link.;鈥?/a>

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