Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Is anyone aware of the effects of drilling for oil in the Gulf?

Is anyone aware of a ';scientific'; study about the possible effects (positive and negative) of drilling for oil off the coast of Florida? This is a proposal supported by John McCain and many other Republicans in Congress.Is anyone aware of the effects of drilling for oil in the Gulf?
Sure, they have been doing impact studies for YEARS, wasting a whole lot of our taxpayer dollars just to tell us what we already know, drilling is not exactly good for the environment, which is why Alaska still has Anwar closed (Arctic National Wildlife Refuge). And recently another field in Alaska was closed because of corrosion as deep as 75% of the pipeline wall thicness in some pipelines. By ';Gulf'; I am thinking the Gulf of Mexico, right? If so, YES, many studies have been done and the damage because of Katrina was predicted in detail and guess what, happened exactly as predicted for a storm of that size. What gets ME is that the fields off the Florida coast are being opened up to FOREIGN OIL companies! Not a single American oil company is involved!!! There is something seriously WRONG with that picture! And who says we can't trust the government these days! The problem is, there is no infrastructure in place to expand the present resources into active production and it will take YEARS to gear up and start drilling to open up new areas. This is the reasoning used by the oil companies to open up Anwar, that it will take years before production actually starts and we get the first barrel of oil to market. So, no matter what we do as far as reserves and drilling, it will not happen soon enough to stop the rise in the price of oil or make any significant change in the short term. Maybe 5 years from now, but not now or anytime soon. What irks me is the actual cost of production is estimated to be around $60 yet we are paying last I heard, more than $130 per barrel. WHERE is all that money going? Whose pocket is that money ending up in? This may sound like a cop-out and being a revolutionary, but I think it is time we considered nationalizing the oil companies if we do not see some relief, especially for the little guys making minimum wage or less... If there was no profit motive for big oil, we might be a little better off...Is anyone aware of the effects of drilling for oil in the Gulf?
If we drill and use our oil up, what do we do 10 years from now when that's used up, where are we drilling next?

I say okay we drill but not without a mandate for all oil companies to change over gas to hydrogen or other fuel by the year 2018. It's doable, will create all kinds of tech jobs and investment, and we won't be in the same stupid position as we are now.

At 4 bucks a gallon, and when it climbs to 8, how in america are we going to have time to even enjoy the environment everyone's so interested in protecting if we have to work 100 hours a week to afford fueling our lives?
Why don't oil companies drill for the oil reserves they already have in possession? If oil companies are so desperate to make gas cheaper for everyone (chuckles) then why don't they drill NOW???

Because their becoming super rich as it is now, why would they change things??

If you believe oil companies are looking out for your best interests...then I have a bridge I would like to sell you....
Destruction of Environment and effect on Gulf Stream. Global Warming. Also oil will run out there just like that in Gulf Of Mexico. People making their own money through use of computer imaging and laser printing is an alternative to oil drilling.
If the Chinese government weren't Communist we could ask them considering they are drilling sixty miles off the coast of Florida. Democrats want to create fear about a natural disaster; Al Gore invents the internet, then he's your weatherman, now he's a petrologist.
No, I do know that Mexico drills there though. So we might as well too. yes it would be 2-3 years before we were drilling but just the fact that this oil would be known to be in existence in the future market could lead to price drops.
I am aware, but at this point, it has to take a back seat to humans.

I believe that it can be done in a safe and environmentally friendly way.
2-3 years is better than never. The Chinese and the Cubans are drilling for oil 60 miles off the coast of Florida.
2 majors hurricanes in the gulf same year over 900 drilling rigs damaged 150 completely destroyed.......not one well leaked .............Not POSSIBLE effects....This Is Fact
The environmental impact is huge and there is the possibility of killing off a ton of wildlife and polluting our natural recreation areas
The effects of drilling for oil in the gulf would be having more domestic oil and less Opec and Canadian oil.
more oil would only be a temporary fix. This crisis would just come back in a few years, less then five probably. the technology needs to change.
It will lower the price of fuel, get us off our dependence on imported oil, and settle our tail-spinning economy.
The effect would be More Oil.
Gas prices will drop.
Yes I'm aware, but 67% of Americans and rising are saying the same thing I am...DRILL DRILL DRILL.

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