Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Do you remember Obama screaming that voting on oil drilling would do nothing about the high price of gas?

why did pilosi and the gang want to keep gas prices so high..

oh that's right they were saying bush did it..

kinda like the economy pilosy has had control of for two years nowDo you remember Obama screaming that voting on oil drilling would do nothing about the high price of gas?
There are a lot of fools in here that think drilling now won't give us any benefit for 10-30 years. THAT IS A LIE!!!! With the technology available TODAY, we can begin the process of not being dependant on foreign oil during the next presidents term. Do some research. The technology is available now.

I say ';DRILL BABY DRILL, RIGHT NOW';Do you remember Obama screaming that voting on oil drilling would do nothing about the high price of gas?
It's going to rise %26amp; fall ( particularly fall) during times like these. I'm sure they stayed high so long because in part of what you said , but they had to go down to encourage the public that our economy was ok - before the flat-line. The Banana Republic still has no clue about offshore drilling or its effects on the prices of gas at the pump. People want to hear a solution .
Gas prices stopped rising on the talk of drilling and cut backs on driving. They have fallen due to leesened demand in wake of the global economic downturn.

Or, it could just be they were artificially high, the speculator got their money and bailed before the SEC started issuing warrants.
Bull, he said that it would do nothing to immediately bring down the price of oil. The economy was screwed up way before 2006, and her name is Pelosi. I think you should learn how to use spell check as well as researching your info. btw, nuclear power is great, ask the people in Long Island NY who have paid for a reactor that never worked.
oil prices have gone down because the economy is slated to slow down considerably. this creates an expectation that demand for oil will drop and leads to a drop in prices. it has nothing to do with drilling which will only start in at least ten years.
I remember very well, but did you notice the liberals on y/a are still commie pinko's and would rather pay 5 bucks a gallon than admit to it?

Al Gore wanted this country paying what the UK pays for gas, and the pinko commies here want what Al the Goofy wants.
One thing I did _NOT_ hear Obama talk about in the debates was being for nuclear power. I am voting for McCain because America needs a lot more nuclear power, and energy independence.
';pilosy has had control of for two years now'; The president has to sign bills into law. If he doesn't like them he can veto them. Sorry if you don't think Bush is doing his job.
The financial crisis worldwide took care of the gas prices, no drilling needed.
Obama does not scream which invalidates anything you said after that claim.
Yup, did you see the 2nd debate where he, like the fool he is, changed his tune, what a spooky about face.
Drilling now won't have any effect on gas prices for at least 30 years. We need better solutions than ';drill baby drill.';

pay no attention to Bush's smoking veto stamp...totally Congresses fault.


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