NoWill obamas flip flop on oil drilling issue hurt him in election?
The slang phrase ';flip flop'; connotes a complete reversal...hasn't happened.
John McCain HAS completely reversed his position which was AGAINST drilling in ecologically sensitive locations and now he is FOR it in both the ANWR and anywhere else including the geologically dangerous off-shore California coast. I guess unstable tectonic plates isn't his forte either.
Obama simply said he would be open to new areas IF they could be proven to not be high risk. So that would probably only affect the wealthy people who have beach front homes in FLORIDA, who are mostly Republican anyway... Will obamas flip flop on oil drilling issue hurt him in election?
No, because the flock that follow this empty suit salivate over every word without care of the contradictions. He recently also blamed the energy crisis is Dick Cheney............meanwhile, back at the ranch..
';Obama himself voted for a 2005 energy bill backed by Bush that included billions in subsidies for oil and natural gas production, a measure Cheney played a major role in developing. McCain opposed the bill on grounds it included billions in unnecessary tax breaks for the oil industry.'; But as usual, the Obama believers, are oblivious.
Love the sarcasm and the narrow minds here. If you listened instead of making your own conclusions or that of the cross eyed little man on Msnbc who spins everything into making Richard Nixon look like a choir Boy, you might know that his plan was NOT, drilling for a solution, just a temporary solution. If you remember bird brain Bush put a halt to ALETERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES. REMEMBER THE ELECTRIC CAR? OH THAT'S RIGHT. WE DON'T WANT FACTS TO GET IN THE WAY.
As much as he changes his mind how can anyone seriously believe a thing he says he will do if he wins in can anyone seriously believe he will only tax the rich. Obama only changes his mind on issues for votes, none of this ';refining'; crap and anyone that believes any different has their heads someplace besides in the clouds. It oughta just be a real hoot to have Obama, Pelosi, and Reid running the show.
No people who don't think clearly will think he means it, they did not catch what he actually said- Obama only said he would CONSIDER drilling and only do it if there were a Package deal, and only drill up part of it.
According to your logic adapting to any given situation for the betterment of the country is flipflopping. We can't have any of that now can we? I think Bush exemplifies this no ';flipflop'; tactic, it works beautifully , especially if you want your country to get blown up
Yes, if the repukes have any say in it! They always spin lies on top of more lies so their poor excuse of a candate wins and pukes out more chunks into the Landfill we have been living with for the last 4 years!
McCain has flip-flopped 10x more than Obama has.
McCain's never seem to affect him negatively like it does for Obama.
Gee, I wonder why?
Gee, saying he would be willing to make a compromise if it meant serving the greater good of the country? Yes, that's certainly NOT the kind of behavior I expect from a President
Yes, it will hurt with the 2% of the population that understood this as flip-flopping. The other 98% will be fine.
In other words, no.
Only by people who are objective and don't drink the obama kool-aide. If he wins he won't drill anywaty, so the gap betwen supply and demand will grow causing gasoline to be even higher.
Yes. The McCain camp should capitalize on this in a heartbeat, as well as his call now to seat the full delegations of Florida and Michigan.
He flip-flops on everything, why should this issue be any different than the rest?
Probably not, since it is only the latest in a long list of ';flip flops'; that have been passively accepted by his cult.
No; because McSame did the McSame thing. He was against drilling. He's change because of th4e price at the pump.
No more than any of McSame's flip-flopping has hurt his.
Given that it is just the latest and there are more to come, I have to say yes.
No because he now accepts the more popular position AND he does it better than McCain
yes, absolutely
No, he will still win in a landslide.
Yes - the poor sap just cannot make up his mind, and it shows a serious lack of leadership!!!
Vote McCain '08!!!
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