the house, the senate, and the presidency in this coming election?Will the democrats blocking us drilling for our own oil cost them?
LOL The states are blocking it also. States are ready to file lawsuits.Will the democrats blocking us drilling for our own oil cost them?
Offshore drilling was prohibited during the Bush I presidency. It will only cost democrats if the electorate is uninformed. Lifting offshore drilling restrictions offers limited benefits and no immediate benefit.
It will take five to ten years for any oil to be produced from new offshore drilling. Offshore drilling is estimated to produce a maximum of two years of the oil we consumer in the US. The oil from offshore shore drilling is estimated to have a minimal effect of the cost of oil. There is significant unexplored offshore drilling potential where drilling is already authorized. Any benefits from offshore drilling are temporary.
The benefits from investment is green technology, alternative energy and increased fuel efficiency standards are more immediate and permanent and offers more jobs and greater energy independence. These investments combined with a tax on polluters which Obama proposes will also help protect our environment for the future.
Schwarzenegger, the Republican governor of California says he doesn't want drilling off the coast.
Jeb Bush, when he was governor of Florida, asked his brother not to allow drilling off their coast.
The Republican governor of Alaska doesn't want drilling in ANWR. So for six years of Republican rule in Congress and the White House, nothing was done to sell the leases to any oil company. Nor did they grant any oil companies the right to build refineries. While we are at it, during the last thirty years, only twelve of which had Democratic presidents, no refineries were built.
The US doesn't drill for oil, it only sells leases, and the oil companies aren't owned or operated solely by Americans, so they don't care what our price is, a price which is high more due to the weak dollar than supply and demand.
So ';we'; do not drill ';our own'; oil, it will not bring down prices, nor is it Democrats who are in some weird world responsible for an energy policy forty years old.
The more you inject finger pointing and party politics into this mix, the less you can come up with a solution.
No one believes the Republicans anymore, and the US, thanks to the web is a lot smarter now than it used to be.
Its harder to tell us that its the fault of a party who has only been in power with a one vote majority, outside of course of the thirty percent who still love BUsh no matter if hes wrecked the country or not.
They are not going to blame Democrats in the next election at all.
Only if people are dumb enough to believe it. Fortunately, I don't think they are.
EDIT: Unbelievable... I don't know if the Radical Republicans are sadly uninformed, or happy to lie through their teeth to get ';one of their own'; in the white house. Either way, it re-inforces why they are unworthy to govern..
No - The oil companies have over 68 million acres of offshore space they don't drill now. There's a 16 year wait on offshore oil rigs and it will take years from then before we'll see the actual oil. Let alone the over all market price won't go down but pennies per barrel.
Ask George Bush Sr. and his brother Jeb. It was George Bush Sr. that signed the act prohibiting additional off shore drilling and Jeb who has fought to keep it from happening in Florida.
No, because we as the American people will not act to get rid of the deadbeats in DC.
Why the thumbs down? We can put elected officials in place that will do the will of the people if we will get off our butts and vote out the people that vote against what we as Americans want. We sit and whine, but will do nothing to eliminate what we preceive as the problem.
I sure hope we get all REPUBLICAN get rid of the Democrats, RID OF Pelosi! Every since Pelosi and majority Democrat Congress came into office the ECONOMY has been FALLING APART! 2 Congress members Democrats now being Investigated for Mortgage Scams! If course PELOSI is not doing a dang thing about it! Its amazing, they expect us to pay ridiculous fees, while they get SWEETHEART VIP Deals!
our own oil but run by blood sucker oil companies and bush family,if any body is stupid enough to think oil companies and bush family worry about if we can afford gas or not even what will happen to our environment , then go for it , don't forget since there is enough oil in markets and enough in reserve , these oil prices are fake, just take a look at oil companies profits,
The drilling you are speaking of would take five to ten years to produce oil and relieve our oil supply crisis. Obama wants to explore alternative sources of energy so that we can put out dependence on oil behind us for all time. Which of these do you think is a better idea?
So you believed in Terrornomics, now you want to believe in blamegaimenomics.
Bush had 8 years to resolve the issue he created. Gas was $1.45 per gallon when he took office.
Instead of focusing on the Dems, tell me why the Repubs didn't pass that bill in the 6 years they had control. This is not a problem that cropped up in the last year and a half.
I believe that it will.
When the average American who works 40+ hours a week has to decide whether to buy fuel to go to work, food, or pay the electric bill, yes, it will cost them.
Do you live in Alaska? Probably not.
It's the same thing as destroy any other nature perserve. Drilling in Alaska will adversely effect the environment.
You're probably someone who thinks global warming doesn't exist.
No will educate the ignorant. i hope people aren't naive enough to put all their faith in the oil companies. By the way drilling won't produce any oil for at least ten years. What are we going to do meanwhile?
why are we putting so many government restrictions on this? let the free market decide.
if there's property issues, then government can intervene. In the mean time, we should drill here, and combat inflation by cutting government.
I hope so!!! Cause it seems they want the world to go to hell in a hand basket! It would far more cheaper for us to do that.... I just don't understand why people cant see that!
yes it will, it is their fault that we getting screwedd right now !!!!!!!!!!
I know a poll was taken and the majority of American's want us to drill here, so yes.
The Dems have gotten us into this mess, and I wouldn't worry about that in November, Barry Soetoro will never be president.
McCain 2008!!!
I certainly hope so, but people are dense so who knows.
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