Friday, July 30, 2010

Hey Obama, why don't you open up Alaska for oil drilling while the price is down?

because it will eventually go back up to $5 a gallon, so why not get started now, so when the Arabs cut production or do whatever to bring the price back up, we will be ready to use our own oil and eliminate the need for them, and eliminate the need for any oil suppliers to us.

Have you seen how big Alaska is, there has to be plenty of oil there for many life times.Hey Obama, why don't you open up Alaska for oil drilling while the price is down?
He won't do that because he's '; in bed '; with the environmentalists. And since they'll be contributing large amounts of money to his reelection campaign, it's not very likely he ever will. Remember, it's not about the American people, but instead, all about power and money...Hey Obama, why don't you open up Alaska for oil drilling while the price is down?
What makes you think the US isn't already drilling for oil in Alaska? I work for a major oil company and I can assure you the US has been drilling in Alaska for decades. The issue currently is whether or not the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) should be opened up to drilling.

Look, even if all of the currently restricted areas, such as ANWR and offshore, are opened to drilling, there isn't enough oil there to make a difference when compared with world production, which is the basis upon which oil is valued. Even if drilling were allowed, it would be years before any oil could be produced from these areas, particularly offshore. So drilling in the restricted areas would have no effect upon the price of oil, and by extension gasoline, in the short term, and little effect, if any, in the long term.

By the way, just because Alaska is a big state doesn't mean it has lots of oil, at least not in the way you seem to mean, and certainly not for ';many life times.'; Also, the price of gas was, until recently, high because the price of oil was high, and the price of oil was high because of speculation on oil futures, not supply and demand. The proof of this is the fact that the price of oil fell in concert with the stock market.
First of all he is President Elect Obama, and isn't able to do anything until he is inaugurated in January.

Oil, is not an answer to a clean efficient fuel. To be competitive in the future, we need to become the leaders in alternative fuels. Oil drilling would be like going backwards. It is a filthy fuel that is destroying the world.~~
Obama can't do anything about it until he becomes President, right now he is President Elect. He doesn't become President until he takes the oath of office Jan 20th.

When he becomes President, don't look for him to do it, as his party is opposed to it.

Maybe you should try this again in a couple of months.
Hey, you. Obama is the President - Elect until he is sworn in January 20, 2009. In the meantime, the President - Elect is not the President nor is he the Commander and Chief.

President Bush is. Only President Bush can give the order.

Happy Holidays, to you and yours.
I hope they keep your question in an archive somewhere, so your grandchildren can explain to their children why people didn't do enough to help the environment when they had a chance.

Heck I live in California where the Grizzly Bear appears on our state flag...there hasn't been a grizzly in Ca since the early 1930's...oh well who needs them kids..oil is much more important than a bear, in fact its more important then people too....(Iraq war is proof of that)
credit crunch. Not enough cash to start building pump. His number one role is to resolve the economic crisis. How to start building infrastructure to drill oil when the country is in economic downfall?
great thinking : ) they say when the economy is bad oil prices drop.. and it takes less gas 2 bring food 2 the stores, but i haven't seen the prices drop there, just going Higher and Higher.. wow
Let's wait until he becomes President before demanding action from him. Obama does not take over until Jan 20.
makes sense to me my friend.
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