Yes. People think Pickens is against drilling because his commercials says, ';this is one problem we can't drill our way out of';, but a huge part of his plan is to use domestic natural gas and shift it from energy generation to transportation then fill in what we took from energy generation with wind power.
We need to do everything we can at this point.
Most people answering this question need to actually read PickensPlan.Does it hurt Obama's energy policy that T. Boone Pickens supports off-shore oil drilling and nuclear energy?
Given Obama's policy stances over the past six months, I consider his energy policy to be rather maleable right now (which is a good thing since his current policy is rather scattered). The Pickens plan has a number of problems with it but at least it's feasable, would be effective, and more importantly it gets us headed in the right direction by seriously talking about concrete do-able plans that increase our energy resiliance as opposed to crap like ';let's make all cars 35+ MPG by 2020, with these 500 exceptions';.
Personally I'd think it makes more sense to bring out electric vehicles rather then bring out millions of nat-gas commuters. Ideally Obama would get some sort of task force together of energy policy experts who'd start with a Pickens- style plan and go from there.
Yes, it does. Just like Mr. Pickens support of George W. Bush and his oil policies undermines Mr. T. Boone Pickens so-called ';support'; for alternative energy policies.
Mr. T. Boone Pickens is nothing more than a Nazi appeaser, a traitor, a terrorist, against us, an evildoer, and a disgrace.
T. Boone is not your friend. They might call him an oilman but he never sunk a drill. He's where he is today because he raided companies to cash out the assets. T. Boone is the Swift Boat Veterans, and he's doing all over again. News reports said he paid $57 million to bait you. And, you took it.
What he needs is a nuclear waste facility right next to the underground water he's trying to sell privately.
No. Why would it? BTW, the point of the Pickens campaign is to promote investment in ALTERNATIVES to oil. That's exactly what Obama is calling for in addition to greater conservation efforts and the greater use of energy saving technologies.
To what office was Pickens elected?
Seems to me he is a billionaire oil man who now wnats to be our saviour.
He has tons of money invested in wind farms and generators
as well as in solar energy. Do you really think this Aw Shucks, down home on the farm act is for your benefit?
No it doesn't hurt Obama's energy policy, his plan offers the same solutions that Obama endorses. However, Pickens was the financer of the swift boaters against Kerry, so we will see what else he has up his sleeve.
Sorry, I heard T. Boone say he was for electricity provided by wind power and natural gas to run our automobiles. Both are novel ideas--the kind that Obama has been advocating.
What energy policy? Politicians have been talking about this since the 1973 Arab oil embargo, brought on by our support for Israel.
No, it doesn't matter what T. Boone Pickens thinks. However, Obama does support nuclear energy.
It helps him more that Pickens, an oil man, says we cannot drill our way out of the problem and supports renewable resources like solar and wind.
Lol, no.
I see those commercials on MSNBC all the time.
T. Boone mainly supports wind farms these days.
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