Friday, July 30, 2010

Why are the Chinese drilling for oil 50 miles off the florida coast?

Drilling will only cause prices to go down about a nickel over the next decade at the best. It's not going to have huge longterm effects except on the environment. Even if the US drilled all over the country we'd only have 2-3% of the needed national supply. We can't depend on oil. We have to find alternative sources of energy.Why are the Chinese drilling for oil 50 miles off the florida coast?
Lol!! Is gives me great joy to see the desperate Repugnant Republicans getting their just desserts, when November comes you will be kicked out of the White House and you will have no power at all. Then Obama will have to attempt to repair the infinite damage caused to the USA by Republicans.Why are the Chinese drilling for oil 50 miles off the florida coast?
And yet the liberals get pissed off when we talk about drilling in Nebraska, off the coast of Virginia, Florida and Maryland, and Alaska, but they don't complain about China doing that. I don't get!
Because the environmentalist whackos will not allow the US to drill there. Thank AL Gore and all his followers next time you fill up. And you want to elect one who's even more of nutcase and not even an American?
Correction: Its Cuba's coastline, Mr. Imperialist.
It is ridiculous. And to 'Fiat Lux ad Sententia' s post above mine....look at a map. Cuba and Florida are not that far apart. Off of Cuba's coast is off the Florida coast.
because the Cubans let them.
because Cuba gave them permission to do so.

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