Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Would you sign a petition to start drilling for oil now? click on American Solutions at the top of the page to sign petiton to start drilling for oil now. Democratic congress is sitting still.Would you sign a petition to start drilling for oil now?
Yes....Thanks canam....I not only signed it but I forwarded it to others %26amp; one of the guys that I sent it to I know will send it to almost 50 others...........Would you sign a petition to start drilling for oil now?
Harry Reid, Senate Majority leader is saying that coal, oil and other carbons are making the world sick. He doesn't want us to do anything.

As far as drilling on leases they already have, the oil companies have to be able to produce a profit on any oil they find. Having a lease doesn't guarantee oil is there or that it is economically profitable to pump it from that particular lease.
It would need to go to Exxon-Mobil, Chevron, etc.

They wont drill on the land they already have permits for, and in fact were fighting in court to keep the leases and permits after sitting on them for 30 years....

Its supply and demand, just as the CEO of Exxon said in 2006....the only problem is that they are screwing with the supply on purpose.

This whole ';drill/permit'; bit is more distraction. i mean seriously, gas went from 89 cents a gallon in 1998 to $4.00 a gallon in 2008....We had a GOP congress from 98-2006, wouldn't a permit have been issued and drilling started if it were JUST dems standing in the way?

Its not govt, its the companies.
No, the price gouge is a ploy to hurt the American Economy and rape the heartlands... Is the American Economy a matter of National Secuity? (it used to be but that ended 3 years ago) What do the Repubublicans boast of acheiving during the first 4 years of the Bush party?
Already signed it, but I doubt it will have any effect. The dems will continue to block and impede any attempt to increase affordable energy in America,

OUT THE INCUMBANTS! Send a message in November. No cheap gasoline; no new terms for congress persons.
Drill NOW. Drill OFTEN. Drill American Freedom!

Go McCain 2008

How dumb is Nancy Pelosi statement today that drilling will never pass through ';her'; Democrat Congress!

I already did. Thanks for spreading the message.

I see you have the usual Democrat nitwits answering that would rather pay throught the nose for gas than to admit that their liberal heroes in Congress are to blame for this mess.
I already have...I am surprised that you were able to ask this question...I asked this same thing 3 times 2 of which never posted and the other ended up deleted and I got the dreaded violation notice...

always nosnod
I already have along with writing MY REPRESENTATIVES to tell them EXACTLY what I think of their left leaning agendas.
NO I will NOT

Ronnie %26amp; DADDY %26amp; little georgie said not to, so that's the way it is .
And the republicans are the ones that have been telling us NOT to for how many years now?

If the neocons had done what was in the best interest of this country when they had the opportunity, (the Reagan years) we would not be in the mess we are in at the present time
No I won't. It's a bad and unnecessary idea.

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