Friday, July 30, 2010

Shouldn't we Americans be drilling for oil anywhere we can find it?

This alternative energy stuff is a bunch of hooey.Shouldn't we Americans be drilling for oil anywhere we can find it?
I love it when liberals complain about gas approaching $4 per gallon and blame Bush, and with the very next breath they begin DEMANDING that we develop an alternative fuel.

Every last one of them is an uneducated moron.

We have dozens of alternatives already developed, the trouble is that out of all of them, gas is the cheapest! We can start using any number of fuels tomorrow for prices ranging from $5 to $8 per gallon, depending on which environmentalist wackjobs you root for.Shouldn't we Americans be drilling for oil anywhere we can find it?
They are not mutually exclusive. Most alternate energy are limited now and need further and quick research. The environmentalists have an agenda and it does NOT include any energy source for billions of people on planet earth.
Yes, Americans should be exploring for other oil reserves -we should be drilling in Alaska right now. However, we have chosen not to because the environmentalist movement. We only have ourselves to blame.

We should be looking for alternative energy as well. The problem is that it may take 50 years before we find a true, cheap alternative to oil and industrialize it for daily use.
Absolutely! We know where the oil is and we need to get it. Also, we need to build refineries to process the crude oil. That hasn't happened in over 40 years.
Nope. It's only hooey to people too lazy to do the research.
i think so. China is drilling off the coast of Cuba
What's more plentiful, the sun giving us energy 12 hours a day for billions of years, or searching for some dead animals in the ground?

I vote for alternative fuels as being a good investment/research.

We can only rely on oil for so long. Oil was 15 dollars a barrel a few decades ago. Now look where we are, approaching 115.
I don't see why we can't rely on alternative energy. it's not all very advanced right now, but it will be soon since we need it. We might as well find alternative energy before our needs outweigh what is available. Then we will be especially screwed instead of just a little screwed now.
Yes, it is a matter of national security, but we also should start building nuclear power plants, and do a lot more clean coal and alternative energy research
Absolutely. We've got Alaska...let's utilize our own resources.
Yeah, let's just drill for oil ANYWHERE! Whatever we can do to further screw up the environment!!! Jeeeeeezzzzz!
get an education, have some respect for our planet...

We really must invest in alternative energy. Even if we go ahead and risk greater harm to the environvment by drilling in some of the pristine places left on earth, the oil will STILL run out at some point, not too too far in the future.

It's a dirty fuel, to obtain, process, ship, and use.

there are already many alternatives and would have been many more by now if the gov't and big oil/car companies had not supressed the research. NOW is the time to really push for conservation and energy alternatives.
like iraq.
Absolutely. The fact of the matter is we are dependent on oil %26amp; thats not going to change anytime soon. With all due respect to the tree hugging, pinko, hippie, beat-nick groups, it is Americas only logical option. Environmentalists have make their point in the US. Other countries will drill where ever they want. The US being pressured by environmental alarmists could and would drill in the safest/earth friendly way; if not allowed the drilling will go on by others but without concern for the planet. It would do America %26amp; the earth good if we did drill: we would have oil %26amp; get it under the watchful eyes of 'save the planet' groups. Other countries will drill %26amp; not give a damn about spills, ect; we can not so its win win for America %26amp; earth.
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