Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What are the main reasons against drilling for oil in Alaska?

They say to have our own source of oil and not be so dependent on the middle east but there is no guarantee that there is enough oil there to make it worthwhile. Meanwhile, it screws up the entire eco-system and could cause more problems than it solves. Better to spend the money on figuring out how to make energy out of something other than oil! Think Global - Act Local!What are the main reasons against drilling for oil in Alaska?
Because it is still cheaper to pay arabs $15 a day for a 10 hour day than pay Americans $30 an hour for a 10 hour day.

No matter how you slice or dice that, oil companies will continue to get most of their oil overseas until that changes.

Are you willing to go to work for $15 a day for 10 hours a day freezing your rearend off in an Alaska oil field?

And BTW if there wasn't any drilling in Alaska, every citizen wouldn't be getting their yearly oil dividend check.What are the main reasons against drilling for oil in Alaska?
There are no reasons for not drilling in Alaska. And there are plenty of good reasons to drill there, both in terms of economics and national security. The sooner our Democrat leaders figure this out, the better off we will be.

I'm specifically refering to ANWAR. People who understand the proposed technology know there would be no damage to the environment or wildlife. When the Alaskan Pipeline was proposed, ignorant environmental extremists said it would destroy the carrobu. In reality they thrived after the pipeline was built.
The acreage about the size of a few football fields will have low impact (environmentally speaking) a few pumps on it. And a few roads in and out. Boo WHO ? Alaskans are FOR it.
1. Bring down the cost of oil based products by increasing supply.

2. Send less U.S. dollars overseas to folks who do not necessarily like us.

3. Drill here, drill now, pay less.
Much of it was over the pristine environment not being quite as pretty as it now is. I suppose those 500 or so tourists that see it each year will not return if they need to look at drilling rigs.
i know of 2 main reasons for drilling for oil in alaska:

- we need more american oil

- the demand for oil is high
It would save US citizens money.

It would not be in accordance with the treaties that our ';government'; has with some other ';governments';.

It might discomfort a bear or two.
Ah....there is lots and lots of oil drilling going on in Alaska. Not sure why you seem to think there is none.
There is plenty of oil drilling in Alaska. If your referring to ANWR it is a wildlife preserve.
It'd be too convienent and helpful to our economy. This is one of the issues where really only one side makes sense.
Because the 'greenies' would abandon the dems if they allowed it.
supposedly environmental concerns regarding the polar bears' stomping grounds,
There are no good reasons not to drill.
liberal ignorance
None that are of any substance.

Its the ';not in my backyard'; thing.
it does not fix our lack of innovation to stop with burning plant life thats millions of years old. Also there is not enough up there to make it worth while for now, we need to play the game russia is and hold on to our oil until it is really needed for the emerging economies
Because the Republicans and Sarah Palin want it.

Anything that Republicans want for us is bad for our country. Never trust them. All they bring is death and misery.
We need to drill Bush's as..s

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