Friday, July 30, 2010

Is McCain contradicting himself when he promotes drilling for more oil AND curbing global warming?

He is, So much so til I think he is starting to break dance instead of flip flopping.Is McCain contradicting himself when he promotes drilling for more oil AND curbing global warming?
McCain is a very clever man, surrounded by very clever people.

A carriage pulled by two horses covers a greater amount of road, and Mr McCain knows he needs to think along these lines in order to maintain grivatas in his thinking.

Only a fool would not continue drilling for oil, and only a fool would not put some thought into the effects of global warming.

One is a finite source, whilst the other, with the right governance, will eventually right itself.

I do not have a vote in this election, but if I did, I know he would be the man to see things through to their successful conclusion.

He does not flip, nor does he flop, he steers a straight road, and a trustworthy one!

You should be ashamed to use such words.Is McCain contradicting himself when he promotes drilling for more oil AND curbing global warming?
The switch to alternative energy will not happen overnight. The entire energy infrastructure of this country has to change and when you consider that our country is just as big if not bigger than the whole continent of Europe, that is quite an undertaking. We may not be using oil at the rate we are now, but we will still be using oil 20 - 30 years from now. That is just a fact of life, regardless of whither you wish to admit that to yourself or not and because that is true, it is important that we not be dependent of foreign suppliers of oil if we wish to be independent of their influence.

Besides, McCain's position on drilling in ANWAR is irrelevant. If he gets elected, his job as the president will be to serve the will of the people and right now the majority of people want drilling. I am glad that McCain at least has enough common sense to realize that and listen to the will of the people. Personally, I don't think that either McCain or Obama are qualified to lead this country. We are going to lose either way. It's just that with McCain, we will lose alittle less.
Drilling for more oil will have very little to no environmental impact. There hasn't been an oil spill off our shores in years although i heard some lib saying on a news show this morning that millions were spilled during Katrina. How can someone tell that kind of ball faced lie on national TV is beyond me. I have friends that work on rigs in the gulf and they said there was very little damage. Katrina didn't destroy New Orleans because of winds anyway. It was the flooding....If there really is a such thing as global warming it is certainly nature. And that just something we can do little about....
Republicans are always contradicting themselves, and McCain is no exception. They keep telling us they want to get the government off our backs, but what they really want is to get the government out of the way of corporate abuses, because they're the ones who gave us the asinine 55-mile-an-hour speed limit and the wage freeze (euphemistically known as the ';wage-price freeze';). There are a lot of stupid people in this country, though, because they keep falling for this bulls**t over and over again.
Well not exactly, although ultimately those two issues are intertwined, on the one hand he is attempting to affect the short term price of oil on the other the long term effects of using that oil.

That said, they are contradictory goals typical of the Republican party over the last decade. For instance, Bush claims to defend our liberties, but in order to do that he must first take them away...
Of course not... we dump enough pollutants into the atmosphere and eventually the ice caps will melt. This sudden influx of fresh water will upset the warm water streams that keep the Earth so nice... and bring on a second ice age. This will come after a swarm of disease and pestilence has wiped clean much of mankind. So you see he will make it cheaper to drive and save us from Global warming and our out of control population growth.
No he isn't.Think realistically.Drill for oil short term,lower gas prices,right?Meanwhile do the search for alternative energy starting with nuclear power(McCain wants 40 more plants by 2030) and slowly go 100% emission free.It's a good plan.
He's been doing far more flip flops than just that. Compare his 2000 campaign to his 2008 campaign. He's trying to please the right by promoting drilling for more oil. He's also trying to win over some of the left by saying he's against global warming.
Global warming is just a myth similar to the DDT scare, population explosion and ozone hole.

McCain is just reacting to the current popular view.
Not necessarily. He's probably counting on technology to create cleaner burning of fossil fuels or new carbon sequestration methods.
No, because GW is not man-made ...
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