Environmental and political constraints. Additionally any oil drilled on U.S. soil will go on the open market likely not significantly affecting the prices we pay now for oil products. In the 70's when gasoline costs went up two fold we thought the world was coming to an end. What did the U.S. do to get away from fossil fuel dependency? Nothing? Now is our chance to switch to other forms of energy. Let's seize the opportunity while we are pissed. Otherwise we get used to $5 bucks a gallon and five or so years from now when it goes to $15 we will be crying again.What is so complicated about drilling for more oil domestically and building more refineries?
it`s not,complicated,but thanks to liberals/democrats,and their supporters they block all attempts to drill,and build refineries,this is their plan they tell the peasants that they understand their problems,while hiding the fact they are the cause of high energy cost,after the oil embargo of the 1970`s,U.S. oil company's developed enough oil fields to make the U.S. an oil exporter,then thanks to peanut carter who imposed a windfall profit tax,(sound familiar) on U.S. oil company's,they began to reduce production,the opec members saw a chance to destroy U.S. oil production further,and flooded the world with oil dropping price to $10 a barrel,and nearly driving U.S. oil company's into a part of history.What is so complicated about drilling for more oil domestically and building more refineries?
The greater volume of end product the lower the price, therefore the lower the profit margin. Which is one of the main reasons we need more refineries and we need to open the capped well heads in this country.
If Jeb had not told his brother the prezident he wanted LESS drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and along the Atlantic coast of Floridah, perhaps there would not be such a hew and cry for drilling in the Arctic, where the cost would be considerable higher than if we did it closer to the refineries that we already have in Tx. and La..
Drilling would help some, but not as much as the radio pundits would have you believe. It's not the U.S.s oil. It's Exxons. And BPs. And they sell it for whatever, whoever will pay for it. Whether it's us or the chinese willing to pay 125 a bbl. As far as no new refineries, we have been expanding current ones to keep up. No one is waiting in line for gas. The Saudi's have never said they will send us more oil if we have more refining capacity. They have said they are satisfied w/ current production. Our refineries are doubling capacity as we arite getting ready for some Gulf feilds to come on line. These things have very close margins so they don't want excess cap. Why run at 70% when it cost the same to run at 100%.
Because there are some that either don't understand or care that our economy is currently tied to fossil fuel. Without a supply of fuel, literally, people in this country would die.
btw, the ones that don't understand are likely to support more taxes on oil company profits as a way to lower the cost of fuel.
There just isn't that much. Sure, it would make a few people rich, but there's just not enough barrels there too make it worth while. Might as well build a solar panel farm.
Environmental regulation are what make it complicated
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