Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What is the affect of oil drilling on the core of the earth?


Oil drilling=2miles

Earth core= 3500 milesWhat is the affect of oil drilling on the core of the earth?
I think that, oil drilling on the Earth core may thinner the earth inner layers and in turn reduce the resistance of preventing inner core magma from erupting out. One of expectations in the coming years is to experience eruptions of magma espectially in areas where oil dring/mining is being done into dipper earth`s layers.What is the affect of oil drilling on the core of the earth?
There is absolutely no effect of oil drilling on the core of the earth. Consider this; the Earth' atmosphere (say 100 km) compared to the Earth is about the same as the skin on an onion compared to rest of the onion. Oil wells only go a few kilometres deep at best. The Earth's core is thousands of kilometres below the Earth's surface. The link below has a diagram that will help you see how it is.
Its probably like removing the springs and shocks from your car and the grease from its joints.
none. with current tech our drill bits don't even scratch the surface.

it's the pollution from what we can reach, that is the real problem.
No effect at all
I do not know the scientific result but logically i feel draining so much of liquid from a source will make the source crumble and to fill up the void space other material has to rush in to fill in the gap ......... I think that is why we are having so many tsunami, earthquake etc,,,,,,,,,,,, as the earth is trying to adjust the vaccum we have created by draining out oil
yes... no effect. although ground level may actually fall with a large amount of oil removed. this is seen in some of the tidal flats near new orleans. this is far from affecting the core of the earth though.

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