Monday, July 26, 2010

The president says the solution to high gas prices is drilling for more oil and building more refineries鈥?

If we did drill for more oil, say ANWR for instance, would it be the solution?The president says the solution to high gas prices is drilling for more oil and building more refineries鈥?
Maybe, maybe not. Here鈥檚 why I鈥檓 skeptical. Let鈥檚 say that we drill, drill, drill tomorrow. In five to ten years, we鈥檇 increase production. However, we have free markets. So, whatever oil we produced would sell on the open markets for the spot price. Ultimately, someone in China or India would want the oil more than us and the price would be determined at NYMEX. So, Joe Six-pack wouldn鈥檛 benefit.

Refineries are most certainly a bottleneck in our processes. But, with the government pushing alternative fuels, oil companies may be unwilling to make the necessary investment.The president says the solution to high gas prices is drilling for more oil and building more refineries鈥?
More refineries are the key to solving the problem. More domestic drilling for oil would reduce the need to rely on oil from Canada, Mexico, Venezuela and Middle East sources.

March of this year marked the 30th anniversary of the last new refinery to open in the U.S. In the ensuing years we have filled our roads with more vehicles while the existing refineries strived to keep up production and also make over 50 different blends of gasoline to comply with various environmental laws.
What else would you expect an OIL man to say?

The Bush/Cheney objective since their very first day in office has been to suck this planet dry of OIL as they provide healthy profits for American OIL companies.

There has never been any consideration given to fuel-efficient vehicles; public transportation endeavors; an end to 'Big OIL' price-fixing and price-gouging and market manipulation; a campaign to encourage motorists to drive less, or a 'waste tax' on those motorists who want to drive gas-guzzling Hummers and SUVs.

Bush/Cheney are both OIL men. They were 'selected' to be installed in the Oval Office for the sole benefit of a handful of wealthy elitists, industrialists, OIL barons and power brokers who expect to become wealthier and more powerful. Bush is simply following orders.

He doesn't have the intelligence or integrity to make any decisions on his own. He is the puppet dangling from Cheney's strings; Cheney is the voice and 'soul' of the giant OIL industry, military-industrial complex, and 'big business'. -RKO- 05/13/08
That's only because;

More refineries + more oil= More $$$ for Bush and the family business.

As far as China and India wanting more oil, that doesn't have to do with the U.S. If they are affecting oil prices around the world, how come countries in the middle east prices hasn't rose above a dollar???
One day, the USA is going to take it's head out of its A$$ and find out how much they've screwed up Mother Earth. By that time, it will probably be too late. Thanks for nothin', guys.

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